Does Turmeric Lower Your High Cholesterol Levels?
The explanation for turmeric’s cholesterol-lowering effect lies in its basic component, curcumin. The results of several tests conducted on rats showed that after a high-fat meal, supplemented with a dose of turmeric tuber, the cholesterol levels of these animals were reduced by 20% compared to the control group.
Among health professionals, cholesterol is considered a risk factor for diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. Many researchers believe that high cholesterol levels can lead to various diseases of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, they usually prescribe medications and diets that lower cholesterol levels. However, what happens is that there are also people who have chronic cholesterol in their blood, which is not necessarily related to their diet.
These people have a healthy diet and, despite this, their values are outside the reference range. This can happen, for example, when you have high cholesterol or gallstones. There are already many medications available to combat these diseases. Cholesterol synthase (CCS) inhibitors are one of the most commonly used group of drugs in the world.
They are usually chemically produced and can cause a large number of side effects. If natural alternatives to cholesterol-lowering agents exist, they are recommended. Given the many trials conducted, turmeric, an Indian spice, is one option to consider. It helps to lower cholesterol levels in the long term, reducing the tendency to future diseases. And there are no side effects!
High Cholesterol Levels Are The Cause Of Many Common Diseases
Cholesterol is essentially an important tissue called sterol. Its function is to stabilize cell membranes and to transport signal tissues into and out of cells. It is also used to form steroid hormones and bile acids. The body itself is able to regulate ideal cholesterol levels. But this does not happen when you have certain diseases or eat too much food and animal fat. This is why vegetarians and vegans usually do not have high cholesterol.
High cholesterol levels can cause plaque to build up in your blood vessels. This atherosclerosis blocks the veins and therefore causes ischemia in organs, extremities, and, most seriously, in the heart and brain.
Sometimes, a certain genetic predisposition can also cause high values. There is little treatment and no cure for people affected by this genetic abnormality. Turmeric helps to lower cholesterol levels naturally. According to published studies, regular use of turmeric can have the same effect as cholesterol-lowering drugs such as simvastatin, lovastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, pitavastatin or rosuvastatin. Other typical diseases that can result from high cholesterol include diabetes, hypothyroidism, and liver disease. They are usually treated with beta-blockers and cortisone. However, based on the results of several studies, it is suspected that they may have the opposite effect.
What Is The Role Of Turmeric When Cholesterol Levels Are Too High?
The explanation for turmeric’s cholesterol-lowering effect lies in its basic component curcumin. The results of several experiments on rats showed that supplemental administration of turmeric tubers after a high-fat meal reduced cholesterol levels in these animals by 20% compared to the control group. The same results were obtained in human subjects. Cholesterol and triglyceride (blood lipid) levels were significantly lower when only 500 mg of turmeric was taken for a week.
Curcumin is able to reduce oxidative stress and retain it in the body through its action on free radicals. Oxidative stress is what causes fat to no longer differentiate properly. As a result, cholesterol levels rise and the risk of developing intravascular fat accumulation increases in the short or long term. However, because curcumin reduces this stress, it both promotes efficient fat metabolism and reduces the incidence of cardiovascular system diseases.
Conclusion: Turmeric Is Effective In Lowering Cholesterol
Turmeric is not only used as a spice and coloring agent, but it is also effective in combating high cholesterol. Its effectiveness in this regard has been confirmed by numerous studies. A good dosage can be guaranteed through capsule therapy. They are considerably cheaper than regular medicines, do not require a doctor’s prescription or can only be purchased in pharmacies, and have no side effects.
Just because food supplements do not require medical approval and control, they should never be considered as cheap products. To avoid risking your health with counterfeit products or unauthorized additives, we recommend that you only buy products from regular manufacturers. You can identify them by documents indicating the origin of their raw materials or by analyses performed by independent laboratories, such as.