Some Of The Symptoms Associated With High Cholesterol Levels Should Not Be Ignored
High cholesterol has no particular symptoms and can only be detected by blood tests. Now, there are some subtle signs that can help you detect it. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in blood fats. Many people only know it for its negative health effects, but it is actually a substance that is essential for optimal body function.
It is necessary for the production of bile acids, which are necessary for the digestion of fats. Cholesterol, in turn, is involved in the production of certain hormones and cardiovascular health.
What Else Do You Need To Know About Cholesterol?
The liver is responsible for separating most of this substance, although it can also be absorbed through the consumption of certain foods that contain it. The problem is that some organs need it, but its excessive accumulation can cause irreversible damage and, in fact, it becomes a potential killer.
The most disturbing thing is that many people don’t know they are already heavily ill because it usually doesn’t manifest itself through obvious symptoms.
This, in turn, can lead to the development of more serious health problems, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and kidney failure. This is why it is important to know certain signs that may be crucial to its detection.
Inflammation and Numbness In The Extremities
Inflammation and numbness in the extremities is one of the first symptoms of high cholesterol. This happens because the accumulation of fat interferes with optimal blood circulation, reducing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
Bad Breath
Bad breath or halitosis is a common symptom for people with cholesterol problems. Since this substance is secreted by the liver, the excessive buildup can lead to indigestion, dry mouth, and an unpleasant odor.
Weakness and Poor Digestion
Excess lipids in the blood and liver can interfere with metabolism and the normal development of the digestive process, especially when high-fat foods are consumed. As a result, high levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and total cholesterol usually lead to continuous episodes of indigestion and heaviness.
Dizziness and Headache
As cholesterol is deposited in the arteries, blood circulation is increasingly compromised and, as a result, cellular oxygenation is disrupted. Symptoms such as persistent dizziness, loss of balance, and severe tension headaches can occur.
Visual Problems
Patients with high LDL cholesterol often suffer from yellow eyes, irritability, and blurred vision.
The accumulation of lipids in the arteries affects digestion. This means that reduced bowel motility can lead to severe constipation episodes.
Chest Pain
Chest pain is a very obvious symptom. Again, it is a reason to seek medical attention almost immediately. There are many diseases associated with its onset, but most are related to the effects of high LDL cholesterol.
Weakness and Fatigue
Weakness, fatigue, and the need to sleep continuously at unusual times are usually due to poor nutrition, excessive exercise, disease, or high cholesterol levels.
Skin Diseases
When the body has problems regulating cholesterol levels, hives and other skin conditions can occur. These conditions manifest as erythema, inflammation and uncomfortable itching and are often difficult to control.
Food Intolerances
New food intolerances may occur due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Excessive accumulation of fat in the arteries and liver is a common cause of this condition, although it may also be caused by a number of other factors.
Keep in mind that not all of the above signs and “symptoms” are necessarily indicative of high cholesterol; they may be the result of other problems.
Therefore, if in doubt, or better yet, consult your doctor who will perform a physical evaluation and, if deemed necessary, will order the appropriate tests to detect the source of any changes or abnormalities.