How Fast Food Affects Your Body
When you eat fast food, you can gain a lot of weight.” A fast-food restaurant can contain the total number of calories you need each day. The problem is not only the excessive calorie intake itself but also the source of the calories.
The rush, its appeal, and sometimes the low prices encourage people to consume fast food. If you knew the consequences for your body, would you still eat it?” Fast food is introduced into our bodies because of its food type characteristics and because – as its name implies – we tend to eat at high speed and at a higher rate, with slower digestion and heavier weight, making the stomach work harder and thus causing discomfort.
Repeated consumption of fast food “can lead to obesity and all the diseases that accompany it, such as diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease, kidney disease, steatosis of the liver, and even cancer.” The expert concluded.
Long-term use can induce a decline in a person’s memory and learning ability and depression. In addition to fatigue and weakness, due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, this type of food means.
Does It Increase Weight?
Eating fast food can increase weight considerably.” One serving of fast food can contain the total number of calories needed each day. The problem is not only in consuming too many calories but also in the source of those calories. Elias said, “These are foods that are high in cholesterol, sugar, and saturated fat, and they are the cause of many diseases.”.
According to the president of the Obesity Research Society. The fast-food concept includes a wide variety of products, but the most classic is the high-fat diet, which is almost always animal-based.” Most of the products, are high in fat and calories. For the same amount, fat contains almost twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein. For example, a large burger and a large serving of fries provide nearly 1,500 calories or 75 percent of your daily calorie needs.”
Can Insulin Resistance And Diabetes Occur?
Yes, because it is generally associated with obesity, which is the main cause of insulin resistance and diabetes. the EOMI nutritionist explains the following.” Being a food with high glycemic index and high glucose content can lead to insulin resistance and even diabetes.”
Does it increase blood pressure? And does it increase the risk of atherosclerosis?
“Absolutely,” Elias reasoned bluntly, “the main dietary cause of high blood pressure is salt, while atherosclerosis is too much-saturated fat and cholesterol. These three nutrients are found in abundance in fast food. Therefore, regular consumption of these three nutrients can be the cause of hypertension.”
In response, Tinahones offers the following theory: “If obesity associated with the abuse of these products is associated with insulin resistance and hypertension, these are essential risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, the consumption of animal fats is also associated with an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol, one of the most important factors in the development of atherosclerosis.”
Will This Lead To Vitamin Deficiency?
According to the EOMI nutritionist, “Eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to deficiencies in certain nutrients. Fast food is characterized by high calorie, nutrient deficiencies, high saturated fat, high cholesterol, high salt, high sugar, and low content of other nutrients. By constantly eating fast food, nutrients needed for health, such as vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates, are no longer introduced into the diet.”
This may not be the case, in the opinion of Chairman Seed Road, “because in our environment, even people who eat a lot of fast food generally have a varied diet and therefore do not suffer from vitamin deficiencies.”
Is Fast Food Addictive?
Fast food, also known as “junk food,” is addictive.” This is due to its components. Elias says, “These are foods that are rich in sugar, glutamate, salt, saturated fat, flavorings, additives, and sodium, which have the effect of creating an addiction.” . To this, Tinahones adds, “High-fat foods are very appetizing, so the taste is easy to get used to.”
Reversing The Effects Of Long-Term Consumption
Nutrition and obesity experts offer the following advice for reversing the consequences of long-term food consumption.
- The first and most effective action to take is to change habits to healthy ones, i.e., not consuming such foods.
- Next, establish a healthy diet of five meals a day, with the main foods being fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, blue and white fish, lean meats and sausages, skim milk, nuts, and olive oil.
- Exercise consistently.
- Lead an active lifestyle.
- Maintain good hydration levels with water or unsweetened herbal teas.
- Educate the population and promote access to healthy products. For example, in New York City (USA), permits were issued for 1,000 fruit and vegetable carts located in Manhattan.