Natural Remedies To Lower Cholesterol Levels
If a blood test shows that your cholesterol level is above the legal limit, your doctor will give you a list of foods you can eat and foods you should not eat to lower your cholesterol.
Healthy cholesterol
Cholesterol problems can become very serious and can cause serious problems with the circulatory system and heart. There are many mechanisms for maintaining acceptable cholesterol levels. Here at Healthy Living we will teach you how to lower your cholesterol using natural remedies.
How to lower cholesterol
Although in some cases cholesterol needs to be treated with specialized medications, in many cases to lower bad cholesterol we just need to change our habits. And for this, it is not necessary to resort to chemicals or drugs, but we can always rely on natural remedies such as these .
A healthy and balanced diet
One of the most effective ways to lower cholesterol levels is a healthy and balanced diet, based on natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish or nuts. Instead, we should avoid other types of foods, such as industrial sweets or processed foods, as they contain colors, preservatives, trans fats and other substances that can cause elevated bad cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, fried foods should be avoided as much as possible.
If blood tests show that your cholesterol level is above the legal limit, your doctor will give you a list of foods you can and should not eat to lower your cholesterol. Some of the most recommended foods include
- Grains: Flour, pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat crackers, etc.
- Fruits, vegetables and legumes: Almost all fruits, vegetables and legumes are good for lowering bad cholesterol.
- Eggs, milk and dairy products: skim milk, skim yogurt, etc.
- Fish and seafood: bluefish, white fish, tuna, shellfish, etc.
- Meat: rabbit, chicken and turkey, skinless and fat-free.
- Fats and oils: olive oil first then sunflower oil, coconut oil or butter.
- Sweets: homemade cakes with skim milk, honey and natural jams in moderation.
- Dried fruits: nuts, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, dates, etc.
- Beverages: mineral water, herbal tea, natural fruit juices, coffee in moderation (maximum 2-3 cups per day). Avoid soft drinks and sweetened beverages.
What natural remedies may be needed for cholesterol? It’s natural, it doesn’t even require ingesting anything, just an attitude change. A sedentary life contributes a lot to the increase of bad cholesterol. That’s why exercise is needed to improve blood circulation and prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries. At least 30 minutes of physical activity 3 days a week is recommended. By all means, it is not necessary to start with intense exercise from day one, but we can help lower cholesterol by simply making some habits, such as running regularly or walking to work instead of taking the bus.
Quit smoking
Isn’t quitting smoking a natural way to go? What could be more natural than stopping tobacco, a toxic substance, and allowing our lungs to breathe clean air (as much as the environment will allow, of course)? Tobacco is not only bad for our lungs and circulatory system, but it also makes us more tired, limits our sense of smell and can cause different types of cancer (throat, tongue, etc.). It also increases the risk of stroke and raises bad cholesterol levels.
Drinking alcohol in moderation
It has long been said that moderate alcohol consumption, such as a glass of wine a day, can improve blood circulation and be good for the heart. However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an increase in fat and triglyceride levels, which can increase bad cholesterol. In addition to this, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause other health problems such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, delirium tremens and other health problems that can become chronic.
With artichokes, you can lower the cholesterol in your liver. To do this, you should eat cooked artichoke leaves (one tablespoon) with a little lemon and honey every day.
Artichokes contain a special substance called sinalin. Together with other beneficial substances, sinalin gives artichokes antihypertensive, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, choleretic, diuretic and lipid-lowering effects, especially on cholesterol.
This is one of the oldest and most famous remedies. It consists of ingesting one clove of garlic cut in half every morning. To be really effective, it must be fast.
This aromatic plant, widely used in cooking, is excellent for lowering triglycerides. To take advantage of its flavor, aroma, and sexuality, an excellent infusion can also be prepared.
These seeds, native to the Americas, have been used by native cultures for thousands of years and have multiple benefits. They can be used not only as natural remedies but also in various dishes. In this case, we would instead prepare an excellent infusion.
In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, dandelion can also treat many liver problems by regulating the function of the liver, a very important organ.
You can also do this with oranges, but it is better to use them. You can simply boil the oranges in a pot with water for 10 minutes (the oranges must be whole, including the skin). Then we take them as an infusion, mainly in the morning, although they do not need to be taken on an empty stomach.
According to recent studies, walnuts, as well as other types of nuts such as almonds and peanuts, are beneficial in lowering cholesterol. Harvard Medical School states that consuming about 50 grams of nuts per day will help lower cholesterol by 5%. In addition, nuts contain other heart-healthy nutrients, so they are recommended to be consumed to prevent heart problems.
An apple a day can keep the doctor away and help lower cholesterol. Apples are really good for your health, and some studies in the UK have shown that eating an apple a day may reduce cardiovascular risk of death, just like taking a statin a day, but without the side effects. Statins are prescription drugs that lower cholesterol. Apples are rich in pectin, which contributes to their beneficial effects. Other fruits that are particularly useful are the grapes, citrus fruits and strawberries mentioned above.
Strawberries are also very useful in the fight against cholesterol. For example, you can eat a small cup of strawberries in the morning.